The Instructors
We offer top-of-line, well-trained instructors that relate to realistic civilian use of firearms for self-defense.
Hudi Schiffer
After years of shooting as a hobby, Hudi realized that the type of “static” range shooting was nothing compared to real-world situations. That epiphany encouraged him (and his brother Moti) to go from academy to academy, searching for the best and most realistic tactical training they could find. He caught the training “bug” and was on his way to learn as much as possible from as many respected law enforcement and military firearm instructors as he could find. He soon found his way to becoming an NRA firearm instructor in multiple principles (pistol, rifle, shotgun, etc.) and defensive tactics. After teaching hundreds of students in all different courses, he was invited to become a Training Counselor to teach skilled firearm owners how to become licensed instructors. As the owner of an armed security guard company, Hudi focused his training and the guards that worked for him on active shooter scenarios and developed his skills further to become a Law Enforcement Firearms instructor with an additional certification in Active Shooter Instructor for LE and Security. Hudi is an active volunteer firefighter, TacMed, and first responder. Hudi has developed specific course curriculums based on training from some of the best firearm academies in the US and continues to advance his training daily. At least three times a year, he goes away for weekly training to further develop his skills and lesson plans to bring those new skills back to his students.

Moti Schiffer
An older brother to our lead instructor, Moti, was “responsible” for bringing Hudi into the world of Firearms. He applied for his pistol permit at age 21 and has been a devout and dedicated shooter ever since. Similarly, in the story, the realization that shooting requires more than just standing still and pointing at a piece of paper was something he needed to expand on. That realization led to training at various academies, taking that information, and practicing it repeatedly. Moti is a contractor by trade who can break apart what he is teaching and describe it in the minutest details. Moti believes that perfect practice makes it perfect and that repetition is the key to doing something right. He is a staunch believer in muzzle management and trigger finger discipline, as they are at the top of his list in any course, he gives. If patrol rifle (AR) is your thing, then Moti can take your training to an entirely new level. As the co-owner of an armed security guard company, Moti has also trained as a firearms instructor and an Active Shooter Instructor for LE and Security and primarily teaches tactical training and scenarios to armed guards looking to advance their skills.
David Taller
Creator of some of the most challenging tactical drills you can imagine. Dave has been shooting his whole life and is a regular IDPA, IPSC, and 3-Gun competitor. As our resident “armorer”, Dave has the skill to break down almost any firearm and repair, maintain and reassemble it flawlessly. This helps tremendously when dealing with occasional firearm malfunctions and explaining how a firearm functions to the novice shooter. As a certified NRA pistol and rifle instructor, Dave regularly assists in many tactical training classes focusing on active shooter and home defense security. With his creative range layouts and tactical shoot/no-shoot scenarios, Dave takes the monotony out of static range shooting and brings it to the next level of real-world dynamic training. Dave has a great rapport with different training academies and is usually the go-between with our company to further our tactical training. Dave is a certified Range Safety Officer qualified in tactical combat casualty care.

Ari's ancestral background is rooted in a lineage of warriors, Ari’s father served in the Israel Defense Forces during the 1967 Six Day War, his grandfather, a US Navy veteran, witnessed combat in World War II, and his great-grandfather was an Airman in the U.S. Air Force during World War I. Ari's approach to firearms training and coaching, wherein he emphasizes achievement, safety, self-defense, and democracy. Ari has garnered a reputation as a knowledgeable and skilled shooter, particularly in long-range marksmanship. He consistently attains remarkable precision within half a minute of angle (MOA) even when targeting distances at a mile. He is certified as an NRA Instructor in multiple disciplines, and SIG SAUER Academy in Active Shooter, serves as a Range Safety Operator, and actively advocates for Second Amendment rights and the protection of essential community establishments such as Houses of Worship and Schools.
Izzy Fried
Israel "Izzy" Fried began training when he volunteered in the Israeli Army at 17. There he began his basic training in exchange for service under the "Watchers Of Israel" program. Upon returning to the US, he began a career in public service as a lawyer and prosecutor and continued his shooting and firearm training. Izzy trained with the FBI and Marine Jag Corps and was accepted as a Special Agent in the Bureau. Izzy, now a firearms instructor, trains regularly with the company at various academies around the country. He and his K9 pal Scout are proud members of a volunteer armed security guard company.

Aaron Worch
A Law Enforcement and NRA instructor, Aaron, and his very calm voice and patient demeanor, is one of the best instructors for beginners. He can make a student fully understand the jargon and workings of a firearm before even picking one up. He can make a new firearm owner feel extremely comfortable within a short amount of time. Aaron seems to give you all the time in the world, explaining everything you need to know while focusing intently on safety as a top priority. Aaron has taken courses in numerous training academies and travels yearly to law enforcement instructor training schools to further his knowledge and skills. In addition to his tactical pistol training, his long-range rifle instructor skills add great depth to our team.
As a training company, EDC Training promotes firearm owners to bring their skills to a more advanced level. A few students have shown exceptional ability and taken their skills to an entirely next level where they are assisting in many courses while working their way towards their NRA Instructor Certification.
We expect nothing but the best from our instructors and these instructor candidates have proven that one day, they will be.